Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s Selected Works
The Selected Works of Alfred Sohn-Rethel

The wave of Marxian scholarship known as the New German Reading of Marx that emerged in dialogue with Frankfurt School Critical Theory in West Germany in the late-sixties and seventies has received unprecedented interest due to the popularity of its reception by authors such as Michael Heinrich, Moishe Postone, Werner Bonefeld, Christopher Arthur, Patrick Murray, Riccardo Bellofiore and Simon Clarke. However, little of this work has been translated into English.
We are planning to translate a series of seminal texts in Frankfurt School Critical Theory and the New German Reading of Marx by authors such as Hans-Georg Backhaus, Helmut Reichelt, Hans-Jürgen Krahl, Alfred Schmidt, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and important later contributions such as those by Helmut Brentel, Joachim Hirsch, Dieter Wolf, Ingo Elbe, Roswitha Scholz, Nadja Rakowitz, Sonja Buckel, Sven Ellmers, Andreas Harms, Dirk Braunstein and Frank Engster. The next work in this series will be the Selected Works of Alfred Sohn Rethel.
This Collection will offer new editions of Sohn Rethel’s Intellectual and Manual Labour and The Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism, which will include translations of Antonio Negri’s introduction to the Italian edition of the former and Johannes Agnoli’s introduction to the German Edition of the latter. It will also offer translations of Sohn Rethel’s most important German works as well as his correspondence with Theodor W. Adorno.
We are now raising funds to translate the following, which will cost $7,000.
The Ideal of the Broken [Das Ideal des Kaputten - über neapolitanische Technik]
Money, the Cash-Value of the Apriori [Das Geld, die bare Münze des Apriori]
Technical Intelligence and Socialization of Labour [Technische Intelligenz und Vergesellschaftung der Arbeit]
Technical Intelligence between Capitalism and Socialism [Technische Intelligenz zwischen Kapitalismus und Sozialismus]
Sociological Theory of Knowledge [Soziologische Theorie der Erkenntnis]
The Commodity-Form and Form of Thought [Warenform und Denkform]
The Economic Double-Nature of Late Capitalism [Die ökonomische Doppelnatur des Spätkapitalismus]
The Form-Character of Second Nature [Die Formcharakter der zweiten Natur]
All donations over $100 will receive a free copy of one of the volumes of the Selected Works.
All donations over $200 will receive one free copy of two of the volumes of the Selected Works.
All donations over $300 will receive one free copy of three of the volumes of the Selected Works.
All donations over $400 will receive one free copy of four of the volumes of the Selected Works.
All donations over $500 will receive one free set of the Selected Works.
You can set up a recurring monthly donation here.
We are also hoping to translate:
Hans-Jürgen Krahl, ["Constitution and Class Struggle: On the Historical Dialectic of Bourgeois Emancipation and Proletarian Revolution"] Konstitution und Klassenkampf. Zur historischen Dialektik von bürgerlicher Emanzipation und proletarischer Revolution (Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Neue Kritik, 2008)
Helmut Reichelt, Zur logischen Struktur des Kapitalbegriffs bei Karl Marx[On the Logical Structure of the Concept of Capital in Marx] and Neue Marx-Lektüre. Zur Kritik sozialwissenschaftlicher Logik [New Marx-Reading: A Contribution to the Critique of Social Scientific Logic]
Dieter Wolf, Der dialektische Widerspruch im Kapital. Ein Beitrag zur Marxschen Werttheorie [The Dialectical Contradiction in Capital: Marx’s Theory of Value – A Contribution]
Ingo Elbe, Marx Im Westen. Die neue Marx-Lektüre in der Bundesrepublik seit 1965 [Marx in the West: The New Marx-Reading in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1965]
Roswitha Scholz, Das Geschlecht des Kapitalismus. Feministische Theorien und die postmoderne Metamorphose des Kapitals [The Gender of Capitalism: Feminist Theories and the Postmodern Metamorphosis of Capital]
Dirk Braunstein, Adornos Kritik der politischen Ökonomie [Adorno’s Critique of Political Economy]
Joachim Hirsch, Materialistische Staatstheorie. Transformationsprozesse des kapitalistischen Staatensystems [Materialist Theory of the State: Processes of Transformation in the Capitalist State System]
Helmut Brentel, Soziale Form und ökonomisches Objekt, Studien zum Gegenstands- und Methodenverständnis der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie [Social Form and Economic Object: Studies on the Understanding of Object and Method in the Critique of Political Economy]
Nadja Rakowitz, Einfache Warenproduktion. Ideal und Ideologie [Simple Commodity Production: Ideal and Ideology]
Andreas Arndt, Karl Marx: Versuch über den Zusammenhang seiner Theorie [Karl Marx: An Approach to his Theory as an Interconnected Whole]
Andreas Harms, Warenform und Rechtsform. Zur Rechtstheorie von Eugen Paschukanis [Commodity-Form and Form of Right/Law: On Evgeny Pashukanis’ Theory of Right/Law]
Sonja Buckel, Subjektivierung und Kohäsion. Zur Rekonstruktion einer materialistischen Theorie des Rechts [Subjectification and Cohesion: A Contribution to the Reconstruction of a Materialist Theory of Right/Law]
Sven Ellmers, Freiheit und Wirtschaft. Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft nach Hegel [Freedom and Economy: The Theory of Bourgeois Society After Hegel]
Frank Engster, Das Geld als Maß, Mittel und Methode: Das Rechnen mit der Identität der Zeit [Money as Measure, Means and Method: Calculating with, and Banking on, the Identity of Time]